Project 33 Days - Day 17

Thursday, Manchester, UKYes, another breakfast today and the same experience. Also, need to explain why there are two blog posts coming on the same day. That old hotel or hall I was in on Wednesday had very poor reception and kept me from uploading my post as usual. Plus the last two days were spent at a bank where security is quite tight as far as Internet access so I had to write without an outlet. Hope that will be the last time for a few weeks.So, back to Manchester it was Wednesday night. Got into the hotel just after 8pm still hungry. Guess the full English does not cover the entire day's needs. Dinner just after 9pm and chatted with my colleague till near 11. The day had started at 5am as then sun rises early up north here and I had some coursework to finish as well.But a brief outlet into my work today. We are performing a business scan for two days of a bank's customer service operations. This would your typical call center type activities. What has been most interesting the last two days is the quality of the care provided by the agents or advisors as they are called. Our scan which results in a benchmarking type of result has shown us that the agent quality and the service they provide is absolutely top notch. It has been a really wonderful experience and led me to offer our sponsor the opportunity of penning an article together about their methods and experiences. This I will take back to our marketing department and have them set up the next steps. This is not a usual result of a two day visit I conduct and I have had no prior experience with them either. But the enthusiasm they bring to the business as well as the level of satisfaction they achieve is really quite exciting.Now I am flying home, iPad on the tray. Makes creating this entry that much easier. I used it as well during the last two days for taking notes of our interviews. The keyboard is silent and the notes are already typed saving me time when back in the office tomorrow.Now I am tired. Been going for 13 days except for last Thursday. Switzerland, Germany, England and now home again has taken it's toll. There is so much exciting stuff happening now. Need time to reflect. Guess this blog might help there. Will see Chris, Jonny & Philip in an hour or so and that makes me relax. No computers when I get there. Of course it will be close to 10pm so a good time to come down from it all. Timmi is still away for a few days. I picked up a few books for Philip at the airport today. Hope he likes them. More tomorrow.


Project 33 Days - Day 16


Project 33 Days - Day 18