

The Öffis is something I had never heard of until just this last week. The “Öffis” is the plural form of public transportation (German: ÖPNV or öffentlicher Personennahverkehr); like multiple public transportation systems. Normally I would just call it the bus, train or subway but now there is this, for me, new word - Öffis.

Beginning June 1st, 2022 and running for 3 months anyone can buy a monthly ticket for public transit for 9€. That 9 euros gets you a ticket for all local, regional transportation systems across ALL OF GERMANY. All the different systems in all the towns and cities all combined into a single ticket. So now we have the word which describes all the various systems and ticketing options in the whole country - the Öffis.

When you receive this newsletter or read this on the web I will already be on my first ride with the 9€ ticket. This option, together with my #WorkFromAnywhere activities will mean a very busy summer for me. Stay tuned and if you have not already sign up for my monthly newsletter to get the reports in the coming months.

3x9€ = a lot of experiences


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