Better in the old days? 10 years since beginning this post
Photo: Shutterstock
“Back when I was young, Mr. Jones down at the hardware store would always take care of every wish I had...”
Is that really true? Was it really all the much better?
STOP!! Fast forward 10 years.
I began an outline for this post on May 15, 2010 and it was to be my second post on my new site. I was back to blogging!! I was collecting ideas which I would write about, I was full of ideas. My day job then gave me lots of food for thought and I needed a place to “empty my brain” and use my creative energy to see what more I might come up with.
Today, it the 17th of May 2020. 10 years later and I am still trying to find ways of getting great thoughts and ideas out in front of others. Today I am investing more energy in podcasting and creating videos even though writing is the easiest for me. Not sure if anyone reads blogs anymore. It is often the TLDR (too long didn't read) as some prefer to read headlines (I do that often too). I have spoken openly about all the use of social media and its ephemeralness, the way it seems to just drift by leaving a fleeting memory, perhaps a longer one occasionally.
I post often on a few social platforms and really enjoy the interaction I get there. Rarely does someone leave a comment or write me about a piece they saw here. Honestly, I don’t post enough here for someone to spend much time here. Maybe that is my problem. One reason I post here is it reminds me of what I was thinking. I moved all these blogposts from a previous site here recently. I went through each one. What fun it was too. A little embarrassing at times but then, what’s done is done.
“Listen before being understood”
I am moving into a new phase of my professional life, a new attention to the details and to more listening. That quote above I picked up from a colleague probably in 1997 while in India. I never was one for a quick answer, a quick idea maybe but not answers. Too often I see people jump the gun, ready to answer the question or problem before the other person has finished the question. Often without asking any other questions delving into the motivations behind the question. Just because someone say they want a new pair of headphones doesn’t always mean that is really what they are looking for. You might be surprised if you slowed down and took a breath and asked just one additional question.
Life’s lessons.
Wishing you all a safe and healthy beginning the a new week!
your Andrew