USA 2012 - Review

Sunday, 12. August 2012 (a bit long, sorry)

post by Andrew

Guess all the guest bloggers have left me by now. Some are getting ready for school start in the morning while others have a few more days. I thought it might be a good idea to just cap it off here so the readers are just left hanging with no ending. I still have many ideas and it seems volunteers to write a few posts so I won't take away from that here.Today, Sunday evening, I am sitting in the garden watching the closing ceremonies of London through the window. I saw Madness play at one point and have them now playing via Spotify on the headphones while writing this. Reminds me of the early 80s and many great times. While visiting my mom's I collected my high school graduation program as well as my collage program. I remember very little of my high school festivities as I was only thinking of one thing during all the planing; going to Europe. That was my graduation gift from my parents.I flew out early the next morning to New York then off to London for a 3 weeks tour via bus. That was the start of what I am still celebrating today, my Tour de Europe. While I can't say that listening to Madness back then gave me the virus but that trip certainly did. That trip opened my eyes to a larger world which I knew was there but at that time before the Internet and 300 channels of nothing on TV this was new to me. Here I am 30 years since that celebration and my first travel to Europe, still here. Ha, who would have know it then?So, now trying to get over jet lag once again having arrived yesterday with the gang I am writing a bit of a review of this recent trip but also looking back on the last 30 years. Next year I will have lived longer in Europe than I did in the US. That will be a big thing for me. I have traveled across the pond more than 30 times, actually have never taken count but each time the morning after arriving has me thinking of the travel, the distance, the people I have left behind there and the extended family I now have here.I am very happy where I am now. I had this wick lit back in 1982 that I really wanted to live somewhere where I could experience many different cultures, languages and histories and take those back to my family. Little did I know then that my "family" would be created here in that new place. I chose a place to live not based on any plan or desire, just pure destiny. I live in the middle of Europe. I consider myself a European before I say German while still maintaining I am very much American. This is my challenge and I openly accept it. I later chose a profession not knowing where it would go but have taken advantage of its opportunities. I have seen so many places, countries, people that I have never kept count. I only know when I plan to travel somewhere new and Christine asks, "you have never been there?" and I say "yes". This is a good life. I miss my American roots and particularly my family there and that I cannot see them as often as I would like. I also know that even living there does not mean one sees one another that often either. The last three weeks spent in the US were just grand as always.The five of us saw aunts, uncles, granddads, grandmothers, grandmere, cousins, friends and others we did not even know were there. We loved it. We all miss it. We are all still taking about the people we met and not miss again not the places or entertainment we experienced. It was a perfect time together and we will repeat it again and again. My boys now 13 have been across the pond I think 14 times. They get the biggest kick out of that fact. While they may not have winter ski holidays in the Alps as many others nor trips to the sea here, they are experienced global travellers. They show me now around the airports they know very well. Perhaps I am getting older, well, yes I am as well but their experiences are those which I did not have till much later. Good for them too.So, Lennon and George Michael have crossed the stage by now and the party is in full form. The boys here are asleep now trying to get a few hours of jet lagged sleep before being woken at 6.45. It was a wonderful summer and I hope to get a few more inputs on the specifics still for the crowd here interested. Michael? there was a post from you still to come??? about hosting a crowd for 3 weeks in your house….bring it on!So, we were back to usual Sunday mode albeit only by 12 and not 9am as usual. 8th grade begins tomorrow as well as work for the other two here. Yeah, it is still August here and the temps are playing along just well too with me here at 11.30pm in the garden still with only a t-shirt and shorts.Happy Summer 2012 !!




USA 2012 - Travel to New Orleans, Part 1