Project 33 Days - Day 12

Tuesday, HomeStarting to like this home thing. Strange thing is the stress I feel when at home though. I tend to work a lot. Actually, there are parts of my "day" which are hard to tell if it is work or not. For just about 14 months I have been on a trek - a social media trek. I launched my "ServicePlease" blog last May with an idea in mind; to get my story out there regarding companies and their need to work on their customer experiences. I did not have a clear plan to be honest but I had learned a few methods which I put to use.I had worked for a university professor who often told me about his challenge of "publish or perish". I remember seeing some of his publications, thinking what a job. Writing some jib jab about something or another and get credit for it. Well, nearly 30 years later I finally took it up myself. Hoping not to just put some jib jab out there but something which might engage my readers. I had felt constrained by my day job. The things I wanted to talk about were just not getting to the right people. Everyone I talked to would often say, sure that is great but I cannot do anything about it. I was with the wrong crowd.I had carried a scarlet 'C' around for the last few years, known as the collaboration guy. The one out there getting colleagues, customers and partners to use other methods to build our solutions, asking around, not afraid to say 'I don't know better'. Well, that has paid off. I am now talking to the right people. Actually those people are coming to me. Twice this week I have been asked if I might keynote a conference on social media.I followed that advice and it has taken me far. Now I must deliver. That should be the easy part.


Project 33 Days - Day 11


Project 33 Days - Day 13