2011 Season begins here!
December 25 @ 12:00 I sat on my trainer in the BTC (aka Bike Torture Chamber). I had not really planned for it to be actually noon but it was. It was the first real training ride of the new season. It has begun.It lasted only an hour but it was a beginning. Actually, it was terribly boring. I had forgotten how boring it could be. How did I book over 200 hours last year? What was my mental trick to make the hours go by? I rode a few rides there, in the same room in my basement which were over 2.5 hours. How can I get there again? Do I want to?But the beginning was done. It was 3 weeks later than planned. A lingering cow from an illness in November kept me from starting earlier. Since then a few trips to the gym and one long run. Probably too long in the ice and snow has me now nursing a sore Achilles. Not good. Now no rides or runs for probably a week. But, maybe that is a good thing. I do not need to think of motivational thoughts to get me in the mood for another cellar ride.More soon once the snows melt. Or earlier.