Naked Run
Made it across the pond without any problems. Actually slept about 6 hours for the first night too. That is pretty good for the course. I woke this morning and immediately got the running clothes on as my plan is to get out and exercise at least once a day for the next 3 weeks.I have had a tune in my head for over a week now since listening to an XM Radio podcast from Bob Edwards as he was in New Orleans during the Jazz Fest this year. He interviewed many local musicians, among them Trombone Shorty. Now, of course the name caught my attention but his story took him through NOCA which I was also intersted in while in school. Anyway, I had one of his times in my head, Hurricane Season and wanted to get my iPod out to go run with as I thought this might be a great motivator. I decided against it and that was good.I went out for what is called a Naked Run. No tech, no cables only shoes, shorts and shirt. So, not technically naked but you get the point. I had a wonderful 25 minute run. I ran listening to my own breathing, my pace keeping in rythm with it. I heard the wildlife in the neighborhood (ok, on squirrels and dogs) and greeted the neighbors as if I belonged there. All this at 7am on a Sunday in central Florida.Two laps was enough. Tempuratues are not that high so early but the humidity is at its highest so I need to ease into this. I have 3 more weeks to go. Chris is in the pool at our summer house here testing the new pool exercise equipment we brought, looks good. The boys are all busy with media at this time (XBox, iPods, PCs) as they and their cousins are getting used to each other again. Seems to be picking up where they left off last year.More later. Road trip to Nawlins begins tomorrow. I am sure much more to report on.