End of the Season 2008

Well, it has snowed here and that is always a good reason to stop riding on the roads. Actually, I stopped over a week ago as the time was approaching and work had me really busy. Of course, once I put the racing gear away I got a cold. So typical! I had had a wonderful year with no injuries, illnesses or crashes. I rode over 7000 kilometers and 270 hours, raced Frankfurt, Erlangen and Zurich. Rode 2 self supported centuries (100 miles  or 160K) just to keep things different too.2008_trainingIt was just a fun year. I have a house full of bikes now. Kind of my childhood dream finally come true. I hope to have just as much fun riding next year as this time out. Knock on wood all will work out.


End of the Season


Registered for 1st Race of 2009