2 weeks till first B-race
Counting down....3,2...Getting closer to the beginning of the 2008 cycling season. March 24 is my first B-race in Cologne - Rund um Köln. This should be fun as it will be a bit of a test to see how my winter training has progresssed. This race is traditionally on Easter Monday. This year Easter is quite early in the year and for many this is a challenge to be ready for a race in March. Normally late April or May is when many are readying themselves for their first challenges.The race starts the same time the pros hit the course. They head off for a much longer day in the saddle but also finish on the same course as the regular riders. There is a minimum spped which much be maintained so that the pros do nt "run over" the others. The organizers of the race have had to reduce the minimum speed from 25 km/h to 23 as most of us have had less time to prep. I don't expect to have that problem as I started my plan on December 1st and am making good progress to have fun first race.This weekend has my last double-long workout. That means two days back-to-back with long slow rides. The days of spints and uphill challenges have passed. Both today, Saturday and Sunday have 3 hour rides planned. Today I had the kids as Chris had school so my ride had me on the road at 5:30am. Just over 2 hours later I was back to take ove for the day. Tomorrow there is a bit more time but it will also have me out at the same time so I don't take too much out of the day. While traveling now as much as I am it is not ideal to spend the whole day on the weekend also away on the bike. Sure, it is dark and much colder at that time than later in the day but I just have to get through it. Deadline is approaching.I will try to get some report from the road tomorrow to let you know what it is like to be out that time of day.Signing off.