My Week Ahead - 20 June 2022
What have I been thinking About/researching?
Last week I wrote about my weekly planning for publishing social media content (link is at the bottom of this article - free, no questions asked). I am working with a few small businesses here helping them improve their internet presence including social media activities. These are really small businesses but also passionate about their craft. Spending time on the internet and social media is not something they have the luxury of doing. When I reflect back to them how the outside sees them on the internet they are often surprised. When I show some examples of others putting more effort into this they are sometimes amazed. Comment like “people look at this stuff?” or “who has time to watch all that?”. Yeah, people like me.
How do I find time for all this?
Once we get past this initial phase the questions come:
How do I do that?
What do I need to do that?
Where do I post it?
How often do I need to post?
Then the most common question is:
How do I find time to do all this?
To be honest, this is the hardest part of all; making the time to make content for the internet. Maybe I need to write another post about why content marketing is important ESPECIALLY if you are a non-internet business. Leave me a comment if you would like to learn more about that. Making it efficient for businesses to generate pieces for the internet is the # 1 topic we talk about.
I have for years been very spontaneous with my social posts. I see something, I take a picture and write a description and post it. I have nearly 1000 posts now on Instagram which almost all have been “spur-of-the-moment” ideas. That’s my Instagram and I use it differently than I use other platforms. This doesn’t work for a business owner who has to operate during the day and prepare for the next day when not operating. This is where a system comes into place. A method which lets anyone take an amount of time to create multiple pieces of content to be used over the next period of time. This could be every Sunday or once a month. Heck even once a quarter could be enough to generate the content you need. Maybe an example helps.
Content for a whole month!
I spoke with a library earlier this year about a content creating program. They had experience making flyers for printing or posting on Facebook but were looking to “mix it up” a bit with new types of content. The director of the library is very knowledgable and good with words so I came up with the following:
Record an audio recording of the director talking about a few prepared topics.
Transcribe the recording and make short-form articles to post on their blog page.
Generate a podcast using the snippets of the recording and have another person use them as content.
Generate audiograms of specific talking points and post those on social media.
The point was, that with one sitting of their director for less than an hour once a month could then make for 20-40 different pieces of content for all uses. That is content for the WHOLE MONTH!
This is just one example which can be followed and your situation may be different. Here is an Instagram post of a “Content Bundling System” which shows a similar idea.
Do you have a system? Share your ideas with me. I’d love to hear your experiences as well!
Here the link to my weekly program I use:
This week’s plans:
Back from Zürich and a successful sendoff for my close friend into his retirement. Now a week “at home” which means some cooking and biking. I have applied for a “mini-job” which had my wife scratching her head. I will share more on that later. I need to walk more for the “100 mile” challenge. As always, I am working on auditing more small businesses for their use of the internet and social media so much to do.
This week’s content:
Tuesday is #WorkFromAnywhere day where I share my working while on a previous trip to Zurich.
Wednesday is an audiogram from my most recent podcast which was such a delight to re-listen to.
I have so much work on my audits that I need to get busy at it and start sharing. Hope this week is a game changer.
I also hope for a podcast interview this week which will be really fun as it is with someone I interviewed just 9 months ago. What could have happened in that time???
Thank you(s) to:
Lyn, Leo, Brian, Andrew & Lothar for the interesting comments and suggestions. A bike trip along the German/French/Netherlands/Belgian border seems likely in the near future. Also to all the likes and shares across the platforms. It really helps me to spread the ideas.
Call to action:
If you are reading this and are not connected to me, please consider doing so. I mean, if you really don’t agree or like what I post then maybe it’s fine to ignore this. If you are subbed THANKS and think if there is someone you know who is starved for something to read. Thank you for being here.