May Newsletter
People see me with a laptop sitting at a picnic table in the woods, along a river or on a trail running through the vineyards. I used to be very shy about it and would hide the laptop when I heard others coming and just wave and say ‘hi’. Recently I have become more comfortable with my computer open, the lid covered with stickers my bicycle parked nearby. It is who I have become. I work from anywhere.
Even before I left the 9-to-5 job I would leave the office and head to a coffee shop for a change of scenery, a chance to see other people. You see, I have had a ‘home office’ since 2002 and when I traveled I was not in the office much but when I was between projects I spent most all my time in there. I really like the office which has now become my studio. I am actually sitting here right now working on this newsletter from my desk. I haven’t sat here in well over a month.
During the 9-to-5 days I always felt that I couldn’t take a business call or more often a video business call from a cafe as the other side would wonder if I am really at work or not. Now, this is all before 2020 so some things may have changed. I felt others would judge me based on my ‘being in the office’ look or not. Now, working for myself and much more offline than online it really doesn’t matter where I am working. I am usually writing something, be that an offer, am article, preparing for a podcast interview or something else where I need a digital device. I almost always have my lightweight laptop with me when I am out unless the focus of the activity is sports, then it stays in the bag. The photo along with this article was taken on Friday the 29th while I rode 3 hours to get lunch along the vineyards on the Rhine. I knew the focus was not sports but more to cleanse the mind. A 3-hour bike ride will really get my brain going and this was no different. After lunch and on the way back I found this spot having climbed up from the river level into the fields above. I knew there were some tables around but often groups of hikers will be gathered around taking a break from their activity. This table was free.
It wasn’t long though before I heard some voices of a group coming my way. Usually I would have put the laptop away but this time I left it out. I felt it was time to just be who I am. There was only a single comment about the “working in the vineyard” while the rest just wished me a great day in the saddle. That encounter distracted me so much from my intended plan of writing this newsletter article while out that shortly after I did pack up the laptop and got back on the bike. I was planning on writing about a recent interview I did where we talked about the Metaverse but that was out of my mind, maybe next month.
I usually write about Experiences, those I talk to and learn from, librarians, bike shop owners and others but this time it is about my own experience. One which is telling me to be more relaxed with what I do and who I am.
In 2017 I started taking a picture of me when I was working from somewhere else. I now have over 100 and have started posting them on my Instagram (@andrewfmaher), LinkedIn to share with others. It is like the picture above with some text over it. I post one a week. The collection keeps growing. You can find me working from just about anywhere.
This month is different
Usually, I have 2 to 3 topics each month but life has gotten in the way. I will be back next month with some new experiences to share with you!
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If you found this interesting then consider subscribing to the newsletter to not miss an issue. I will be continuing this journey of improving CX and documenting it for all to learn from. Thank you for your time here. Leave a comment if you find something questionable as I want to continously learn and have a long way to go! 👇👇
Hey, if you made it this far then, thanks! I hope it was worth your time and if you have a comment please leave one below. I am on a journey to learn how people and organisations are coping in this New Normal. If you are interested in sharing your story or know of someone who might, just reach out. Use the contact form here and leave me a short note. I would love to hear your story.
Thank you for coming here and sharing your day with my stories.
your digital sherpa,