I bought a bike
“The route is the goal”
Since your here, you of course know I lost my job in May of this year and my final day at work is/was August 31st. This is all a good change for me and there is no need for you to have any worries for me. Just stay tuned and you will see/hear what I am up to.
When I got the news that I was to be ending my 25 year career the very first thing I told Christine (my wife) was that I would buy a bike. This was at the height of the Corona „shutdown“ and I knew that I would take advantage of the social distancing by cycling during the week throughout the fields and forests near my home.
The bike (electric) arrived in early August and I have promised myself to take the month of August off and not „do much“. What I meant about that, is I wanted to not jump into planning my future too quickly. I need to open my mind, my schedule and let my mind just go where it wants to. The only thing I really spent time doing was riding my bike.
I have plans, yes I cheated a bit but they also include the bicycle. I will be sharing more about those ideas during September. Thank you for coming here and seeing what I am up to. I promise it will be getting interesting and varied. And it will often include a bicycle!
Your Andrew