Project 33 Days - Day 5

Tuesday it seems.There's a vacation soon? I have not seen it. The Boyz are talking about something like it a lot. People are sending mails with plans for the next weeks but I am not sure if they aren't spam. Work has me consumed. Well plus my training course.I have a presentation tomorrow virtuelle (since Le Tour is on now). Virtual means I get to sit at home in my office and talk to other people who have never met me about something they have not much interest in. Well, that last part is perhaps not true. They might be interested. Nevertheless I am interested. This is all about our business and social media. This is it. After the trial at the Swiss Bank now a larger crowd. None of this is new, but the packaging for my company is.I have gotten 30 or so minutes at the top of the agenda tomorrow to speak to perhaps 100 business partners of ours. I have been told that there's will be much less than the 100. It can sway between 30 and 70. But these are people who see lots of other people. Multiplikatoren is what I would say in German. My hope is that they will, at least a small portion, take my position and offer away and pass it to someone else. That's it. But I needed a fitting pitch.I have known for a few weeks what I want to get across in this type of pitch. It is not only a pitch but and offer. I can be an enabler for them where they might not be, yet. There is a risk that they may take what I have to say and rebrand it for themselves. Ok. Not too worried about that. It is the grey matter here which makes the point not the PowerPoint. So I needed a good storyboard with which I could tell this story. On that I have been working for a few weeks. It was finished tonight.It is, nor will ever be perfect but it has a good structure. Has good pictures to talk around plus the company's parts it needs as well. Initial reaction has been good. Nice being done 18 hours ahead of plan. This should be fun. Actually a great time. And with holidays kicking in just a few days off this could not be much better.There is the small issue of my final exam tomorrow night for my certification. Guess that is what I will fill those "extra" hours tomorrow with.


Project 33 Days - Day 4


Project 33 Days - Day 6