Summer? Not really, but still lots happening

This has not been the normal kind of summer. Usually there are many visits to the local pool or the river to cool off, BBQs and long evenings outdoors enjoying the cooler-than-indoor temps. Not this year. Just as the winter was really, really cold and long the cooler than normal temperatures have continued.Now it is almost the end of the school year. Boyz have completed their finals and awaiting their report cards. World Cup is on the TV every day (it is cold in South Africa too). I was in Madrid a week ago and it was colder there than in Norway. Figure that! There have been so many rain days that even my motivation to get on the bike has been challenged since my Spring racing is over and a pause till September is here. Timmi is still kayaking and even competing in the German Nationals this weekend. But also wearing his neopren to keep warm where t-shirts often take over.Sure, we will get our share of "hot" in a few weeks when we are off to Florida & New Orleans and that will actually be a nice change this time. Sure, some summers are hot and others are cooler. This is one of the later. Can we blame BP for this? Seems the season for that.


Summer? Not really, but still lots happening


Leipzig, Neuseenclassics 2010