Bikes, bikes everywhere

It always impresses me when I am here, and that is not too often. Amsterdam is just a wild and crazy place when it comes to bikes. Watching people searching for their bikes “parked somewhere” in the mass of black, single speed bikes when they count to the hundreds on a single city block is entertaining. Others just trying get the bike up to speed from a dead stop in a pull-pull-pull on the handlebars each pull followed by shove of the body to insert its momentum into the forward motion. Almost slinky like.I was waiting, watching the tourists to see who would be the first to walk into the path of an oncoming bike, and it was close once but it never happened. I guess I was a bit disappointed but then also relieved. It just seems to work here. Bikes everywhere and it all seems to flow. I need to come back here for a visit with a bike. That looks like it would be really a treat.


Leipzig, Neuseenclassics 2010


Bikes, bikes everywhere